Intellectual capital of universities as a condition for innovative development




Professional community of teachers, Project , Achievements in the profession, University, University professors


The article presents the results of research on the human resources potential of Russian universities. The authors substantiate the relevance of the issue of the development of the main elements of intellectual capital. The results of the implementation of the social project "Golden Names of Universities" for the period from 2017 to 2022 are presented. The project is aimed at improving the social status of the "university teacher" profession through the implementation of a large-scale social project. The purpose is to summarize the results of the implementation of a social project as a complex of scientific, methodological and design developments for the development of intellectual capital of higher education using project and system approaches. The effectiveness of the project on the formation and development of a professional community of university teachers is substantiated. The events aimed at identifying talents and motivation to improve the quality of work of the teaching staff of universities, research work, development of educational programs and textbooks for beginning teachers, professional development of teachers, educational work, public and expert work, exchange of experience and organization of interuniversity interaction are presented. The main discussion platforms are indicated: the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Presidential Grants Fund, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Committee on Science and Higher Education of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, where the results of the project were presented.


